Etsy Credits:
1. pulpsushi 2. MegansMenagerie 3. ARainbowLife 4. Nafsika
5. NuadaAccesories 6. owlandsparrowvintage 7. silverliningbyds 8. laromantica
9. 1000and1 10. threebirdsdesigns 11. Lylahsidea 12. MaggieMcManeDesigns
13. NestPrettyThingsKids 14. LindenAvenueDesigns 15. artsysparkle 16. candybead
17. bluebirdss 18. CircesHouse 19. GreenGlassSanDiego 20. DawnWillBreak
1. pulpsushi 2. MegansMenagerie 3. ARainbowLife 4. Nafsika
5. NuadaAccesories 6. owlandsparrowvintage 7. silverliningbyds 8. laromantica
9. 1000and1 10. threebirdsdesigns 11. Lylahsidea 12. MaggieMcManeDesigns
13. NestPrettyThingsKids 14. LindenAvenueDesigns 15. artsysparkle 16. candybead
17. bluebirdss 18. CircesHouse 19. GreenGlassSanDiego 20. DawnWillBreak
So many beautiful necklaces I don't know what to do!
I've been itching to make some new necklaces for myself for quite sometime. I'm not a huge jewelry person, but I do always wear two things: my wedding set and a necklace. I particularly love these rainbow themed necklaces and want to give my thoughts on a few.
I've been itching to make some new necklaces for myself for quite sometime. I'm not a huge jewelry person, but I do always wear two things: my wedding set and a necklace. I particularly love these rainbow themed necklaces and want to give my thoughts on a few.
- 1,8,13: I am in LOVE with these cabachon-style necklaces. They look so vintage but modern at the same time. I can't wait to make a rainbow one, if I can only stop procrastinating supplies :)
- 2,6,17: Another favorite style of necklace are ones made with briolettes. I wish I could afford real stone, but glass will work just fine with me. I've grown particularly fond of iridescent stones. I saw a necklace someone similar to 6 years ago. It was made by Fossil. I've been hoping to recreate one for myself ever since.
- 4: So easy to make and so dramatic! I just need some tinier beads!
- 10: Another of my favorite styles of necklace. I bought something similar a couple of years ago on Etsy, and I've been making necklaces of a similar style for awhile. Love them!
- 19: Sweet goodness, so beautiful! Must do something like this soon. I like the idea of sticking to a color scheme rather than doing a rainbow.
- Ribbon necklace: I don't know if I would wear it myself, but I just love it!
I bet you'd <3 the one I got at Disney, I will have to post it so you can!